Friday, June 26, 2009


I must say here that nothing is sweeter than LOVE in this world.

Even our lord Jesus Christ practicalized it when he was here on earth.

It is by love that we were welcomed back to the kingdom of God after the fall of man.

It is by love that my father married my mother and they begat me.

Without love plus God,i will be no where to be always wins in every aspect,no matter the trials it may pass through in its never dies,it endureth forever,it does not hurt itself.

my dear,i recommend to you to love your neigbour,your wife,your mother,your siblings and others,no matter what happened in the past.

To me i will always be here for you to let you know that INDEED LOVE IS GOOD and mind you that without it,you will not see your maker/GOD after here on is everything, my dear get it and stick with it.